Ideas to Inspire the Decorator and Meaningful Gift-Giver in You
Traditions you can make your own
-- Paint handprints or notes on a keepsake tablecloth your family uses only forThanksgiving . -- Crank up the carols when it's time to bake the cookies and dance around like whirling elves -- make extras and give them as gifts. -- Hide the pickle ornament Christmas morning (a wonderful German tradition) -- finder gets a special gift and luck to last all year (Item #279579,$6.97 ). -- Tuck heartfelt letters or treasured recipes into each stocking. -- Give each child an ornament commemorating their special event or interest every year (French Horn ornament (Item #311163,$2.97 ); present the collection at a momentous event when they're grown. -- Trim a half-inch-thick slice from the bottom of your live Christmas tree each year and drill a small hole, inscribe the year and lacquer it. Lace leftover gift wrap ribbon through the hole for an unforgettable hand-made ornament. -- Allergic to live Christmas trees? No worries. Decorate it withLowe's Holiday Living 50-Pack Multi Shatterproof Christmas Ornaments and display it outside in your yard or balcony so you can see it through your window and share the decor with your neighbors (Item #279921,$19.97 ). -- Every Christmas, snap a picture of your favorite bed heads just as they awaken.
More Creative Ideas
Interested in more ways to get those holiday festivities going? Making
your own gifts for family and friends? Find inspiration and helpful
how-to information at
You can learn how to create your own holiday decor including a Star of
David wreath, complete a holiday living room makeover, make your own
Children also enjoy creating their own presents. Take some time out to
bring them to Build and Grow clinics at
Get Santa-safe advice and learn from the experts by checking out how-to videos and more at and, Become a fan at
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