Schedule DIY Projects Throughout October to Save Money and Reduce Home Energy Use
-- Replace old incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in every room. ENERGY STAR(R) CFLs use 75 percent less energy and last up to 10 times longer than standard bulbs, meaning your first-grader will be a teenager before you need to change them! To take full advantage of the energy savings, replace CFLs in five of your home's most commonly used fixtures and save up to$70 a year, according to theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA ).
-- Before cold weather strikes, wrap your water heater with insulation. According to theEPA , an insulation blanket for a water heater will reduce heat loss by 25 to 40 percent, saving you up to$30 annually.Learn more with how-to instructions found here. -- Make your water heater conform to your schedule by installing a timer to prevent the water heater from trying to maintain hot water during periods with no water usage.
-- Replace your home's old, single-paned windows that waste energy and require a lot of maintenance with new, maintenance-free vinyl windows that have many energy-efficient features and operate smoothly for years. For additional savings, install ENERGY STAR(R)-qualified models and save up to$465 a year in energy bills, according to theEPA . A list of needed materials and step-by-step instructions can be found here. -- Install insulating window treatments like cellular shades. They help your home retain heat in the winter and keep the house cooler in the summer, providing lower energy bills and comfort for years to come.
-- Sealing and insulating your home maximizes comfort and warmth during colder months and will save you money. According to theEPA , insulating your home with weatherization products such as insulation, weather stripping and waterproof caulk can save a family up to$200 a year on utility bills. -- Search your home for air leaks, especially in attics and crawl spaces. Seal holes around ducts, pipes, wires, vents and open wall tops using caulk and spray. Find out what you need here.
-- Give the environment -- and your bank account -- a "treat" thisHalloween . For$29 , install a programmable thermostat and set it to automatically lower the temperature at bedtime by 7 degrees. According to theEPA , programmable thermostats can save about$180 a year on home energy bills when used properly. Some models include programmable day and night temperatures as well as a setting for every day of the week. Learn how here.
Thinking of replacing old appliances? Installing ENERGY STAR(R) appliances
can save up to 15 percent on the average home's monthly utility bill
because they use 10 to 70 percent less energy than standard models. The
energy saved every year using an ENERGY STAR(R) clothes washer is
enough to run your TV for nearly two months. In 2009,
For more information about making your home energy efficient, visit the interactive Home Audit Tool at Answer a few questions about your home to create a personalized plan to save energy, water and money.
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