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See what's Stock Alerts are brief analyses on the active stocks each day that are affecting the markets. These include breaking news, insider activity, recent 52-week highs/lows, technical breakouts, and other market driving information. Beacon is the authority on research in the small-cap sector, and our analysts strive each day to find the stocks that are poised to be the biggest movers before the rest of the market is aware of them.
We encourage investors to subscribe to our FREE newsletter filled with daily trading ideas. is one of the industry's largest small-cap research providers. Beacon strives to provide a balanced view of many promising small-cap companies that would otherwise fall under the radar of the typical Disclosure is not a registered investment advisor and nothing contained in any materials should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. is a Web site wholly-owned by
Beacon Equity Research Jeff Bishop , (469)-252-3505 [email protected]
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