Lowe’s shares helpful advice to keep you cooking safe this upcoming holiday
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, check out some of these turkey fryer tips which may help you have a safer holiday and enjoy the day with family and friends.
Knock off the chill
Make sure your turkey is completely thawed before frying.
Use the right oil ...
Rice or peanut oils are the oils of choice due to their high flash point and superior frying qualities.
... and the right amount
Make sure you have the correct amount of oil to fry your turkey. If you have too much oil in the pot, it could overflow and cause a fire. Refer to your fryer directions for more detail.
Stand by me
Never leave the fryer unattended.
Be safe
Closed toe shoes and long pants are suggested clothing choices.
Level out
Put your fryer on a level, non-flammable surface.
Be kind
Dispose of your used frying oil in an environmentally friendly way. Be sure not to put the oil down your drain as it could cause clogging.
Did you know turkey fryers are not just for Thanksgiving? Your turkey fryer may also be used for other awesome items like chicken wings or a seafood broil; however, please consult the documentation for your specific fryer.