Lives are being saved thanks to AEDs in every Lowe's store

Max Henson Updated
Max Henson

Staff Writer

Nov 23, 2020

When Marvin Ellison arrived as Lowe’s President and Chief Executive Officer in 2018, Lowe’s was in the process of recognizing the need and evaluating the benefit of placing automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in Lowe’s stores network wide.

$2.4 million of funding for placement of AEDs chain-wide was proposed and enthusiastically approved by the new executive team. In November of 2019 and in partnership with Cardio Partners, Lowe’s placed AEDs in every single store.

“Lowe’s was one of the first retailers to go chain-wide with them, which was awesome,” said Tracy Fitzpatrick, Fleet Safety and DOT Compliance Manager. “We needed this additional device to save more lives. When used in combination with CPR, a victim’s survival rate more than doubles.”

Since the chain-wide AED installation, Lowe’s has had 26 activations with 20 saves. Additionally, for each successfully save, Cardio Partners donates an AED device on behalf of the Lowe’s store for placement in the local community.


For those unfamiliar, here’s how the Red Cross describes the function of an AED when someone experiences cardiac arrest: “It's a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart's rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.”

In emergency situations, the period of time before EMS arrives is crucial. It could be the difference between life and death.

Lowe’s requires at least five store associates to be trained and certified to use the AED and perform CPR. It’s a requirement that has quite literally come to the rescue.

“For our associates to know how to perform CPR and deploy an AED and administer a shock, it’s a big win for the first responder community,” Fitzpatrick said.

In October 2020, Lowe’s was recognized by the town of Thomaston, Maine for taking lifesaving measures after an associate collapsed inside the store.

“We commend Lowe’s for having the AED available in their store to save people with sudden cardiac arrest and for having employees fully trained to administer the AED system,” said Town Manager Kara George.

That associate in Maine returned to stable condition, and that’s what this is all about – responding effectively in the hopes of avoiding tragedy.