Meet the family featured in Lowe’s new "Always Home" commercial

Max Henson Updated
Max Henson

Staff Writer

May 21, 2021

Getting out the boxes, packing them up and starting anew – it’s something all military families can relate to.

And it’s the focus of Lowe’s new commercial as part of the “Always Home” campaign, honoring military households.

The 60-second commercial features the Lane family, whose military ties run deep.

Mark and Laquilla Lane first met while stationed at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas. They soon realized they had a lot in common. Both of their fathers were in the military and they both spent parts of their childhood in Germany. Both have siblings who are active military. 

“All we knew was military life,” Laquilla said.

And they decided to make a life together. Mark and Laquilla have been married for 20 years, and while they are no longer in the military, it will always remain a big part of who they are.

“It was the foundation for us,” Laquilla explained. “Those military values our kids will always see. We are so proud to represent that.”

The commercial, voiced by their daughter Caeli Rose, tells the story of how the Lanes have grown accustomed to moving with actual home videos.

“Over the course of our marriage, we probably moved 10 times,” Laquilla said. “We know how it feels to bounce around. We’ve lived in a lot of tight spaces. We’ve learned to adapt. And we realized as long as we have each other, we’re good.”

Added Mark: “No matter where life takes you – whether you are military or not – at the end of the day, it’s the core values of your family that turns the house into a home. It’s a beautiful thing.”


Lowe’s has always been there to help make the moves a little easier, supporting military families through its 10 percent discount – every day, guaranteed. The Lanes bought their new appliances from Lowe’s when they made their latest move to Los Angeles. They fondly remember buying the paint and supplies from Lowe’s to begin decorating their daughter’s room.

“We always went to Lowe’s whenever we moved,” Mark said.

Everyone on the production team was moved when they gathered to view the commercial. Laquilla said her daughter cried when she watched it for the first time. The spot is a keepsake for a proud, resilient family.

“It was very touching to the heart,” Mark said. “It just means a whole lot to see the family represented. It was an honor for us to be featured.”