See sustainability at work in and around the 275-acre store support center
Welcome to Lowe’s Mooresville Store Support Center!
When designing and building the facility in 2006, Lowe’s spent a lot of time and resources to ensure the campus would look great. But the company also made sure its purpose was deeper than looks.
The 275-acre, environmentally sustainable store support center is located in Mooresville, North Carolina, about 30 minutes north of Charlotte. The combination of natural systems and stylized design form the basis. The campus focuses on a seven-acre lake that supports storm water functions, acts as an irrigation reservoir and creates a wildlife habitat.
The buildings earned LEED Gold Certification for sustainable site design, water efficient plumbing features, energy efficiency, environmentally responsible construction practices and improved air quality. Eighty-two percent of construction waste, for the building additions, was recycled material.
The naturalistic layout of the campus also was designed for the enjoyment of employees. A series of bio-retention and storm water courses create a linkage of courtyard and outdoor spaces accessible to Lowe’s associates.
Want to experience what it’s like to work at the company’s environmentally sustainable campus? Learn more about career opportunities at Lowe’s.