Celebrating the Lowe’s 2024 Summer Interns on National Intern Day

Madelaine Vander Woude
Jul 25, 2024

Every year, the last Thursday in July marks National Intern Day, a celebration of interns and their hard work over the summer. Lowe's interns are worth celebrating. Getting into the program alone is a success story; with over 5,000 applicants and just 128 qualified students welcomed into the program - that's just a 2% acceptance rate. Starting in May, a diverse mix of interns from 58 universities make their way to Lowe's Store Support Center in Mooresville, North Carolina, and 12 other locations across the company for an immersive 11-week program across several business verticals. Let's meet a few of them!  

A'nya Reynolds 
Supply Chain Intern 
Howard University  

A'nya knew she wanted to continue her career education at Lowe's after participating in the Lowe's Retail Immersion Program, which is in partnership with the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF). Here's what A'nya says she's learned about herself since her internship began.  

I've learned that I like working with people who like their job. I've learned that this is a place with diversity inclusion that actually does diversity inclusion. I've had many companies come up to me, and I've experienced a lot of programs that say that diversity is at the forefront, but it's really not. This is the most diverse I've ever seen in an executive leadership team. I like how they do a lot of mentorships, pouring into their people and wanting to see them succeed.

A'nya Reynolds, Supply Chain Intern

Logan Ballou-Tomel  
Core Merchandising and Flooring Intern 
Purdue Global University  

Logan is a store associate pursuing his education at Purdue University Global through the Lowe's Guild Education Program. He says it's risky to give up his associate position to take on the Lowe's summer internship, but he's betting on himself to make it all worth it. Here's what Logan says he's learned about himself so far.

I have better people skills than I thought. I'm more of a shy person outside of work settings but coming here and connecting with people to find the answers to your questions has opened me up a bit. One thing I have found is that I'm a little bit more outgoing than I thought coming into this, which has been incredible because it's one of the skills you must have here.

Logan Ballou-Tomel, Core Merchandising and Flooring Intern

Ellie Marsh  
Enterprise Strategy Intern 
UVA Darden School of Business  

Ellie comes to Lowe's while she's pursuing her MBA degree. She's brought years of work experience to the internship, and her goals are to fill in knowledge gaps in particular areas to become the best potential executive she can be. Her time at Lowe's has been clarifying in several ways. 

One of my other goals was to further refine who I want to be as a teammate and leader, and I've been able to draw inspiration from some people who I think are world-class leaders here at Lowe's and my managers and mentors on the enterprise strategy team.

Ellie Marsh, Enterprise Strategy Intern

Timotheus Murph 
Digital Commerce Intern 
University of South Carolina   

Timotheus is a Lowe's associate and military veteran, serving six years in the Army National Guard. Tim says this internship will help him seek out opportunities and challenges in the future. And his biggest lesson...

Communication is key. We collaborate with many different departments. Communication is big, which I've known and been told from many aspects of my life, but really seeing that you've got to communicate and collaborate with a lot of different people.

Timotheus Murph, Digital Commerce Intern

Happy National Intern Day to all Lowe’s Interns!