Lowe's corporate office recently welcomed special visitors when children from the Boys and Girls Club took a field trip to Mooresville, NC, to thank Lowe's leadership for investing in their Piedmont campus through the Lowe's Hometown grant. In October, Lowe's red vest associates took over the organization with shovels, power washers, and tools in-hand to clean up the campus, install a new playground, and fix problematic erosion causing chaos on the basketball court.
"You changed our kids' lives," shared Brady Johnson, director of development for the Boys and Girls Club of the Piedmont. "We wanted to come by and share our thanks for your team's incredible work. The kids love the playground; having that space makes such a difference."
With cookies in hand, the kids personally thanked Janice Dupré, executive vice president of human resources, and shared their hopes and dreams for the future. Despite plenty of future job prospects tossed around, all hands in the room shot up when asked if they wanted to work for Lowe's.
Brady Johnson says the children use the playground daily (weather allowing), and it's been a game changer for students and teachers. He shares, "Those kids have gotten on the bus at 6:00 am, and they've been in traditional school for 6 or 7 hours, so when they come to us at 2:30 pm, it is so beneficial to have access to a playground, so they can get out there and get some of their energy out."
The Lowe’s Hometown grant investment into the Boys and Girls Club of the Piedmont may have been a singular occurrence, but Johnson said the dividends felt across the community will last for generations and positively affect the kids at the center.