Lowe’s Associates Start the Clean Up Process After Deadly Tornado Hits in Tennessee 

Madelaine Vander Woude
Dec 14, 2023

Lowe's associates banded together to help clean up the community in Clarksville, Tennessee, after an EF-3 tornado struck, killing three people in the community. The tornado produced 150-mile-per-hour winds and traveled 11 miles, leaving a trail of destruction in its path, including extensive damage, fallen trees, downed powerlines and destroyed homes.  

Lowe's was on hand in the aftermath to implement its Bucket Brigade program for areas affected by natural disasters. Customers lined up as Lowe's associates passed out 252 tote buckets with essential materials like cleaning supplies, water, and flashlights at four affected locations across Tennessee. The company also implemented Operation BBQ, handing out 600 hot meals to those in need.  

Clarksville Store Manager Jonason Hawkins was on hand for his community to assist in the recovery efforts.



Lowe's has truly stepped up with urgency to assist the needs of our associates and the community. It's truly amazing to see Lowe's in action with fast response teams, and command centers funneling products into stores and being accessible when needed. Our local store has personally donated cleaning supplies, storage totes, and water to local organizations and those in need.

Jonason Hawkins, Lowe's Clarksville Store Manager

Jonason and his team took a personal role in helping his community, personally delivering a generator to an elderly customer.


We took the time out to discuss the generator compatibilities, safe use, and storage while in use and just spent some time over small talk. The impact we have, leaders while doing something so simple in our minds truly means to the world to those that are in need.

Jonason Hawkins, Lowe's Clarksville Store Manager

Jonason says he and his team will continue to be there through the long recovery road ahead.