New Lowe’s discount offers military customers 10% off and easy store checkout. All day. Every day.
Dec. 7, 1941. The attack on Pearl Harbor changed the lives of families all across America, including the family of Lowe’s founder Carl Buchan. He and his brothers – all five of them – enlisted in the military to help the war effort.
With an honorable discharge after an injury, Buchan came home and joined his brother-in-law, Jim Lowe, as a partner in a hardware store in North Wilkesboro, North Carolina. At the time, Lowe’s was a typical, small-town hardware store selling everything from overalls to wash tubs, work boots and even horse collars. Today, Lowe’s serves more than 17 million customers a week, and among them are servicemen and women serving our country, just as Carl Buchan did more than 70 years ago.
To honor his legacy and thank them for their service, Lowe’s is celebrating National Military Appreciation Month and, beginning May 1, expanding its support of the military by announcing an enhanced military discount – a 10 percent Military Discount every day in-store discount on eligible items to both activity duty military and veterans. Receiving the discount is easy. Visit and enroll, then shop in any Lowe’s store in the U.S.
It’s Lowe’s way of saying thank you to generations of military veterans and their families for helping grow the small North Carolina hardware store where the company got its start more than 70 years ago.
In addition to the military discount program, Lowe’s offers employment opportunities for military personnel after their service ends. More than 10,000 veterans and members of the Guard and Reserves work to serve Lowe’s customers. Currently, nearly 800 employees are deployed to active duty and Lowe’s provides differential pay during their service, along with other benefits to help them and their families.
To enroll or for additional details about the discount, visit