FAQs on BBQs: Picking the perfect grill for you

Kevin Ridley
Kevin Ridley

Staff Writer

Jul 03, 2019

Let Lowe’s help you pick the perfect grill for your 4th of July party

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The Fourth of July. A holiday filled with baseball, parades and fireworks. The Fourth of July also means grilling out with neighbors, family and friends. If you’re hosting a cookout, you may be due for a new grill. What’s it going to be — charcoal, gas, infrared, maybe a smoker? Lowe’s has you covered with “FAQs on BBQs” to help you decide. There’s also a buying guide on Lowes.com, that will help you take your outdoor cooking up a notch.

Gas grills

“What’s the most popular grill?”

  • Gas grills remain the most popular and Lowe’s offers great brands like Weber and Charbroil.
  • Gas grills provide users a fast startup time, fast cook time and overall quality cooking.

Pelette grills

“What type of grill is trending?”

  • Pellet grills are the fastest growing segment in grills due to their fast start up temps, ease of use and smoke flavor.
  • Pellet users love having the controlled temperatures like a gas grill provides, but because they use hardwood pellets the food gets more of a smoky flavor.
  • They are electronically controlled and make smoking much more intuitive for the user vs. traditional charcoal smokers.

Kamado grills

“What’s a Kamado grill?”

  • Kamado style grills are great for smoking.
  • They’re known for retaining heat very well for long cooking sessions.
  • Lowe’s offers Kamado Joe Ceramic grills.


“What if I routinely have cookouts for large groups?”

  • Griddles have become very popular for the user that enjoys a larger cooking space.
  • Griddles can cook meat and veggies all at one time, on open heat vs. having to check progress by opening and closing the lid.
  • This style of cooking is routine in restaurants and many people use these grills for catering.

Traditional smokers

“What about a traditional smoker?”

  • Traditional Smokers provide customers the option of “low and slow” (low temperature, slow cooking time).
  • Users are more involved and love the thrill of finding new tastes to make their food unique.

Electric grills

“Is there an option if I live in an apartment?”

  • If you live in an apartment or an area that can’t accommodate charcoal or gas, you can still cook out with an electric grill. (*Always check with your apartment first to make sure they allow the use of personal grills.)
  • Electric grills offer quick, long-running operation but must plug into a power outlet.

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Need more information? Check out this video and use Lowe’s buying guide which includes a variety of grilling accessories.

Happy grilling!